A Note about COVID-19:

We are here, working remotely, and ready to help you with updates or announcements on your website to inform your viewers about your new policies, hours, etc.

Please submit your request though our Help Desk (not our Contact form) and one of our team members will respond to you as soon as they are able. We will also let you know if there are fees associated with your changes and we promise to keep costs as modest as we can in these tough times.  Where possible, we will prioritize requests from our medical and non-profit clients. Please let us know if your request is urgent.

5 Ways Email Marketing Can Benefit You

Technology continues to offer more cost-saving and efficient ways to reach out, stay in touch and provide information to current and potential customers.

Maybe you want to announce the release of your latest product or remind current customers that they can easily reorder their favorite items, why not use email marketing to do just that? Especially when email marketing offers these 5 great benefits:

  • 1. Gives A Lot of Bang For Your Buck

    Email marketing can really be affordable! And if you are like me you like to get as much value for your dollar as you can. Reaching out to customers via snail mail generally takes a whole team of people, printing expenses as well as mailing expenses. From start to finish an email can be sent out by a single person using basic hardware and software to inboxes worldwide making it an inexpensive way to keep/get in touch with existing and potential customers.

  • 2. Promotes Awareness of Your Brand

    With email marketing your logo, brand and products can stay in front of your customers on a regular basis which is a great way to reinforce company and product awareness. They may not be ready to make a purchase today but when they are, your brand or product will come to mind first.

  • 3. Helps Build Loyalty

    Your emails can be personalized which is a great way to build lasting relationships with your customers. Bringing in that personal touch can be as simple as the addition of a customer’s name to a specifically tailored message thanking them for their purchase or wishing them a ‘Happy Birthday’ with the inclusion of a discount code for savings on their special day, giving you the ability to “speak” in an intimate manner to your customer. Your customers are real people and they will respond better to messages coming from a real person.

  • 4. Targets Customers Easily

    Not only can you customize your message, but you can also send it to a specifically targeted group—one message does not necessarily fit all. Relevancy is a crucial part to effective marketing and when your message is specifically tailored it can have a greater value to the recipient, resulting in more sales for you. And the great thing about an email versus a printed mail piece is the ease and ability to have more than one message going out to specific groups simultaneously with just a click of a button!

  • 5. Provides Measureable Results

    Detailed information about your email marketing campaign gives you the ability to track the effectiveness of your email campaign. You are able to see open rates, click through rates, as well as which links were clicked and by whom so you can easily see what is working or where changes in your strategy would be beneficial.

Why not start enjoying some, or all, of these benefits today by making email marketing a part of your marketing strategy.

About the Author

Robin Rapp

This post was written by Robin Rapp

Josh is agis' programming guru and general knight in shining armor. Josh can resolve any issue, no matter how obscure, and he does it quickly and with a smile. Like a master chess player, he anticipates issues and stays at least two steps ahead of problems.

Kelly is agis' dynamite developer. She can create, fix and troubleshoot like no other. Working her magic behind the scenes she ensures all parts on the front function as they should. Though she may not claim to be a designer she sure has great style!

Chris is agis' SEO genius. He has so fully mastered the art of Search Engine Optimization that he is a virtual "human Google." Not distracted by the design and whiz-bang elements of a site, he turns his critical eye to improving things "under the hood".

Todd is agis' president and primary project manager. He keeps the entire place running smoothly and efficiently. The smoother things are working for his clients and staff, the more time he gets to practice his backswing at the golf course!

Corey is agis' vice-president and lead sales representative. She wines and dines (and sometimes twists arms!) until clients just can't say no. She invests a great deal of time getting to know you and your business so your website works for you 24-7.

Donna is agis' office manager and little ray of sunshine. Her infectious laugh never fails to brighten the gloomy winter days. She's our motherhen and takes great care of client accounts and staff memebers alike. And you should try her homemade caramels!

Robin is agis' graphics girl and social media / email marketing whiz. Having recently broken free of the confines of the two dimensional print world, Robin is really having fun in the interactive realm of the world wide web.

Deb is agis' desktop publishing empress. Type styles, sizes and layouts are her specialties—positioning text and art elements from a variety of databases, just so. No publication is too small or too large for Deb…shoe catalogs welcome!

Nancy is the Marketing Coordinator at agis and has a passion for learning and teaching. She's been known to spend hours diving into new projects head first! When she's not knee deep in internet marketing stuff, she's mountain biking with her husband or playing Sudoku on her tablet!

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